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17 August 2010

Good Morning Tuesday!

*click "older posts" for more new items!*

Hey all :)

Please fill up the order form below during order..




Contact Number:


Colors (If applicable)

Size (If applicable)

Feel free to add more items by using " , "

The usual rules apply:

* 1st pay, 1st get basis. Email to enquire if they are still available. If they are, a reply will be sent with total amount along with bank details.
* Please email once payment is made (very very very important!) If no emails are sent, items will still be up for grabs.
* Remember to KEEP the receipt (for manual transactions) / take a SCREEN SHOT (for online transaction)
* Usual promotion still stands: Buy rm100 and above (garments) and enjoy free poslaju.
* SMS has been discontinued.
* Email your orders to: with Order name and Tel no
* Lastly, happy shopping :)

Love always,
Miss OCD

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