picture credited to http://quelquechose.deviantart.com
Hello all :)
Before you read, I would like to apologize for the sudden stop of updates. I have been adjusting and struggling to post what I have to say next.. Before I go on, I need to say that this wasn't an easy decision. But decisions need to be made none the less. So here goes..
I will be leaving Malaysia in November to pursue another job in Singapore. Miss OCD (OCD TRADING) will be shut down. But no worries, I do intend to come back after my contract ends :) It has been an outstanding 2 years and it has been my pleasure to serve each and every one of you. It has been a blessing and a great experience. But I am afraid we now have to part ways. No, this isn't a goodbye but more of a new adventure for me. I hope that when I do come back with a bigger bang (*cross fingers*), you girls will still be here.
I have loads of people to thank.
Firstly to my customers: Without each and every one of you, I would have nothing, and would think I am nothing.
To my family: For always being supportive no matter what.
To my friends: For keeping me sane.
Also, I would like to apologize if there were any misunderstandings or mistakes and I hope there are no hard feelings :)
Laura Teo
*Miss OCD in Shopping
*Miss OCD Shoes